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Back Yard Beekeepers Association

A club for the Hobbyist Beekeeper, based in Southwestern Connecticut

  • Member Home
  • October Annual Meeting - Michael Simone-Finstrom

October Annual Meeting - Michael Simone-Finstrom

  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024
  • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • In-Person at Norfield Congregational Church



Michael Simone-Finstrom

Battling bees: mite resistance and other traits to promote healthier honey bees

While honey bees contend with a number of threats, they have a number of natural defenses to combat them. Varroa mites are still one of the biggest threats to bee health, and using the bees to fight off these parasites and the viruses they vector is one key way to improve bee health and resiliency. We have clear evidence that promoting behavioral traits to fend off parasites and pathogens promotes healthier, stronger colonies in real-world settings. Curent progress to developing and producing mite and virus resistant bees will be discussed along with the promotion of other disease resistance traits in honey bees.

Dr. Michael Simone-Finstrom is a Research Molecular Biologist with the USDA-ARS Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Research Unit in Baton Rouge, LA. His research has focused on individual and social mechanisms of disease resistance, including resin/propolis use, hygienic behavior and genetic diversity. His current work aims to add to this line of research by more fully understanding how these traits work in concert in order to promote them within the beekeeping industry and identify components of viral resistance in honey bees.

This is our annual meeting.  All officers will be elected at the Annual Meeting of the membership. The nominating committee will present a slate of Officers and Board Members to the General Membership to vote on. In the event candidates for an office present themselves at the meeting, the nominee receiving the most votes will be elected to that office. 

Our club could use your extra wax!  If you have wax that you don't intend to use, please bring it to the meeting and donate it to the cause!  We'll have a bucket for the collection.  Thanks for your help!

This meeting is free and open to the public.

Please note that our meeting is in person and our speaker will be here live.  Our presentation will begin at 7:30 but please join us by 7:00 to allow time for visiting with like-minded individuals.

© 2020 BYBA

P.O. Box 335
Redding Ridge, CT 06876

Back Yard Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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