A club for the Hobbyist Beekeeper, based in Southwestern Connecticut
Are you finding that not all of your colonies that went into winter made it through? If you're wondering what to look for to try to determine why your bees didn't survive, we have a workshop for you!
Join Michael Lund as we investigate two deadout colonies at the BYBA Bee Yard. We will look back at the history of the colonies and try to determine what might have gone wrong with these hives.
Dress warm. There are surviving colonies at the bee yard but the current forecast does not show flying weather so it's not likely that we will see many live bees at this workshop.
Wear appropriate footwear. It could be muddy!
This workshop will be repeated mid-March.
© 2020 BYBA
P.O. Box 335Redding Ridge, CT 06876
Back Yard Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.